It might be a lill bit too late..to wish everyone Happy New Year & Selamat Tahun Baru Islam.
Alhamdulillah ..Allah masih beri kesempatan kepada kami anak beranak utk meneruskan dan berjuang dalam kehidupan ini. Semoga kami akan menjadi lebih baik dari yg sebelumnya..Amin
and how fast the time is.... Our little hero already turned to 6 months old.
Amatle manja..not to say cranky when mama and abah around. Mintak dokoooong manjang.
Solid food

2 weeks since the first time, I gave him his first solid food. Yaiks, he didn't like it the first time. Tgk jela ekspresi muka mamat kecik ni. But now, my god sake.... kalau kami makan pun dok sibuk intai2 pinggan.
So, everyday I will provide him 4 cubes of food. (Minggu memula tu 2 cubes je okay). It varies from papaya (jadi mr papaya anakku), porridge, sweet potato, potato, carrot, banana, apple and pear. Campurkan sesuka hati...lalalala.
So the nanny, just need to heat on the stove for a while, pour some water and stir. Walla, it much better than the commercial food. (I don't ban commercial food for baby..up to the parent.But the food for my baby shall be 5% effort and 95% L.O.V.E)
Mama will prepare the cubes on weeekend and it shall last for 2 weeks. Abah pun bleh 'pau' ice cream banana, apple, or papaya since the EBM will be added when mama serves the food to wafiy.
Alhamdulillah...mama achieved her first target to BF wafiy for 6 months. Now she targets for 1 year. Insyaallah. Since wafiy takes around 20oz-30oz of EBM during the day. Most of mama's friends asked how she cooped with wafiy's demand.
1. Do make EBM stock
2. Pump ..and ..pump..office or at home or even balik kg
3. This tips a lill bit difference with other mama. Since sometimes mama couldn't able to able to coop with wafiy's need. So she makes her own system. 'HUTANG SUSU'.
Pelik kan. Konsepnya..kalau ari isnin mama kena bagi 8 botol of 36oz to the nanny. So, kalau mama 'pinjam dari stock 2 EBM..maka hari berikutnya kena cuba ganti balik. But back to the problem...cukup ke juga nak supply. So the calculation is, if the 'HUTANG SUSU' from monday to friday is 8 stocks. Mama will ensure that she replaces back all the hutang-hutang and if possible replace more. Yela EBM ari friday for sure semua jadi stock.. dan sebab esoknya cuti maka cuba2la bangun malam
4. Tawakal dan doa
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