Tag: Mum of the Year
Mum of the Year Award from Kak Farra
It seems that the award comes with a set of rules which are:
1. Admit one thing you feel awful about (involving being a mom). Once you have written it down, you are no longer allowed to feel bad. Remember you are a good mom!
Balik umah lepas main jap ngan wafiy, do the house chores..play again with him for few minutes and mama already flat. By 10 pm...mama dah siap2 nak masuk tido, tapi heroku masih lagi sibuk nak main..huhu
2. List 7 things you love about your kids, you love doing with your kids, or that your kids love about you.
Firstly, wafiy tak bleh lagi nak cakap..."wafiy suka...;I love"
So, anything that makes my lill' pumkin smiles, I ought to interpret as he likes/loves it (kira aci la ye)
1. Biler mama pakai tudung (even sebab nak sidai baju kat keluar), mamat ni dah sibuk nak ikut (kembang semangkuk when I know that he is clinging to me)
2. Mestila biler gi shoping. When I babaywear him, dier pun jadi sibuk pilih barang sama
3. Tengok azan dan ramalan kaji cuaca sama2. He really amazes on those sound
4. Playing peek a boo game with him. Selalunya nyorok belakang pintu kabinet dapur je :)
5. Panggil wafiy dari dapur...nanti dier dgn gigihnya whether nyulur atau guna walker...terkedek2 datang sambil sengih kat mama.
6. Lipat kain ngan wafiy..sukanya dier main atas timbunan kain tu
7. Golek2 atas katil ...sebab dier suka main sondol2
I miss him.....huhuhu
3. Send this to 5 other moms of the year that deserve a reminder that they too are the best moms that they can be.
Remember to send them a note letting them know you have selected them, and also add a link to your post that directs people back to the person who nominated you.
1. sue aka diyaluna
2. dilla aka anasfadilah
3. nani aka padnani
4. acikyah
5. hernie
Uh Ah Uh
Economic crisis.....
Does it affects you?????
Mungkin bagi yg bekerja di GLC, gomen atau kompeni2 besar yg bukan manufacturing based kita tak rasa bahangnya
TAPI bagi jiran2ku, ada yg cuma kerja 2/3 hari dalam seminggu. Aghhh kesiannya
Macam2 yg mama pikir....
macam mana nak improvise the value for my family
1. Kena cuba lebih berdaya saing - online business (oh ye mama ada bnyk idea.. tapi tak kuat semangat nak buat) I really envy SAHM (stay at home mom) that can do their own business form their own COMFY, SWEET HOME - mungkin mama boleh minta nasihat dari tokey2 kedai seperti tokei kedai lunatots/diyaluna atau mom little ones
2. Become the frugal family - go for CD, DIY stuffs, BF
3. Part time job
-----hmmmmm I opt for no.2 first. I am already passion in BF and CD and now still learning on so many frugal tips that we can do at home. I'll share with u later. Frankly, it is so creative and FUN.
But why??? I amaze at how big companies can manipulate the adverts that make us believe that their products good though actually we can do it by ourselves. Just spend few minutes and walla u don't need to run the store
Needless to say that DIY stuff is safer as it does not introduces chemical substances that may endanger us in the long run.
Alamak ujan kat luar - mama ought to go for my pumping session, asar prayer and merempit balik :P
p/s - mama cuba utk spend lebih masa dengan wafiy as abah amat sibuk. Balik pun paling kurang kul 9.30 malam. Sigh ..sayang...big money really comes with big responsibility
MyDear Warehouse sale

Warehouse Sale from RM15
Baby & Children Products
When: 26 February - 8 March 2009
Time: 9am - 7pm
Baby & Children Products:
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Play Pen
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CarBaby Carrier
Play Ground
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Tel:603-8060 0093
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